3 Reasons You Need a CRM for Your Growing Business

Starting a new business is beyond exciting. There’s nothing better than choosing your logo and color scheme, getting your website and social media up and running, and getting your name out there. During all the excitement and chaos of the start of your new venture, it’s easy to forget to stay organized. That’s where a CRM comes in. WTF is a CRM? A CRM, or Customer Relationship Management tool like HubSpot or Salesforce will keep you afloat. Here are the top 3 reasons you need a CRM for your new or growing business:

#1: Organizing Contacts - While you’re out meeting with people, on the phone 24/7, and shooting off emails left and right, it’s important to keep track of who you’ve reached out to. Recording these meetings and contacts into your CRM will help you when it comes time for follow-ups or sales pitches. You can leave notes on the contact so you won’t forget a thing. You can even set reminders when it’s time to reach back out to a potential client. Pro-Tip: Don’t toss out those business cards! Some CRMs like HubSpot have the ability to scan the business card into the database from your phone so you don’t forget to record them!

#2 - Tracking Leads & Deals - Whether you’re trying to sell an insurance plan, fundraising for a new deal, or working to land a new client - it’s important to keep track of what stage you’re at in the deal. If you’re business is growing, it’s likely you’ll have several deals happening at once. A CRM will keep you organized on which stage you’re at on each deal, so you don’t have to worry about missing a beat!

#3 - Email Marketing - Best way to stay top of mind? Email marketing! Sending a personalized “give” to a potential client or send a monthly newsletter to current and prospective clients/customers to remind them you’re still here and ready to serve them.

It’s never too late to implement a CRM. Your business may not be brand new, but you’ve realized things are getting chaotic and you need a tool to keep you organized. A CRM will be your life-saver. At SocialAscend, we’ll get you set up with a CRM that fits your company’s needs, so you can grow without the growing pains. Email us at info@socialascend.com or visit our contact page to learn how we can help.


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