3 Tips for Growing Your Business Through LinkedIn


LinkedIn is no longer a platform used solely to recruit new team members. It has become a trusted source for building brand awareness and strengthening relationships with your customers. A 2020 Business Insider survey found that LinkedIn was the most trusted social media platform in the U.S. Business owners, C-suite executives, and directors across industries utilize LinkedIn as a way to build their network and connect with potential new clients. How can you utilize LinkedIn to grow your business? Here are three tips to do just that.

1. Show what you know.

Engaging, relevant content is essential for your businesses credibility. LinkedIn is a free tool to showcase to potential customers and clients that you are  the expert in your industry. There is no shortage of content to share on LinkedIn. Blogs, videos, podcasts, and eBooks are all great ways to improve visibility and show what you know. You can upload PDFs of quarterly reports, livestream an event using LinkedIn Live, or write and post an article from your personal page. By sharing high-quality content that brings value to those you are trying to target, you will earn their trust and build relationships, ultimately growing your business. 

This content doesn’t have to live strictly on your business page. In fact, it shouldn’t. Having employees upload and share similar posts on their personal pages gives a face to your brand. LinkedIn users are likely to engage with content when they see it coming from a real person. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel here, having your employees share the same content that has already been posted on the business page can go a long way in growing your business. Think of the hundreds of connections each employee may have. By having just a few of your team members share content on their personal page, thousands of new eyes will see your brand. 

2. Utilize LinkedIn Campaign Manager.

Over 700 million users can be reached on LinkedIn. With more than 200 targeting characteristics to choose from, you are sure to target the right people. Location, job title, company size, industry, and skillset are just a few of the hundreds of options to choose from to narrow in on potential clients. You can also upload a list of those in your network or those who have visited your site to retarget and remind them of your brand. 

LinkedIn advertising is pay-per-click, meaning you only pay for those who are engaging with your content. You set a daily budget (minimum of $10), so there are no surprises when it comes to billing. The Content Suggestions feature gives you recommendations on content that your businesses community is engaging with, so you can share similar information. LinkedIn also provides you with detailed analytics, where you can see which content is being engaged with, and by who. Analytics offers a variety of demographics to pull, so you can see job title, company name, location, and more of those who interacted with your ad. 

3. Build Relationships.

Do not stop at sharing engaging content on your personal and business pages. Engage in conversations with clients and other connections in your industry. LinkedIn has millions of groups you can join to reach current and potential new customers. Additionally, connecting with users is a great way to grow your email marketing list. Sending connections direct messages to congratulate them on a new position or sending them a link to an article they may be interested in is a great way to build strong relationships. Don’t be afraid to ask for referrals and reach out to new leads. By engaging and building real relationships with LinkedIn users, you can prove to them that you are the solution for their business problem. 

LinkedIn isn’t a one and done platform. It requires time and energy to gain a consistent presence. However, by utilizing all of the great features LinkedIn has to offer, you will be able to generate leads, build brand awareness, and grow your business. At SocialAscend, we will take LinkedIn management off your plate. Visit our website at socialascend.com or email us at info@socialascend.com to learn more.


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