Achieve Your Social Media New Year's Resolution with These Three Tips

We’re all guilty of making new year’s resolutions and bailing on them by the first week of February. It may be an exercise goal, budgeting habits, or perhaps a social media plan for your small business. The new year is the perfect time to reflect on your company’s social media and make a resolution to improve your presence. The experts say to keep a resolution, it must be three things: realistic, measurable, and plannable. 

  1. Realistic: We would all love to go viral and gain hundreds of thousands of new followers on social media. Is this a realistic goal? Probably not. A great way to decide whether or not your goal is realistic is to look at your current stats. For example, if your company’s Facebook page is averaging 10 new followers a month, it is unrealistic to say you want to gain 200 new followers per month. With a new and improved social media plan, an additional 15-20 followers per month is realistic and attainable. It is important to consider your current resources including time and money when creating realistic goals. 

  2. Measurable: We often hear clients say they want to increase brand awareness on social media. While this is a great goal to have, it’s not exactly measurable. Your social media goals should be measurable, and usually quantitative. For example, instead of increasing brand awareness, your goal could be to gain x followers by a specific date. Another example of a measurable goal applies to engagement. Rather than saying you want more people to engage with your content on social, your goal could be to increase your current engagement by 50%. By giving your goals a numeric value, they are much simpler to measure and track. 

  3. Plannable: What’s a resolution without a plan? You say you want to increase your website traffic by 25%, that’s great! But you need a plan to do so. The plan may include a variety of tactics, including newsletters, posting more on social, or interacting with groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. However you choose to increase website traffic, you need to be able to make a plan in advance. By going in without a plan, you’re much more likely to lose momentum and give up on your resolution. The plan doesn’t have to last the entire twelve months, in fact, it shouldn’t. Start with a six-week or three-month plan that you can easily alter if something isn’t working for you. 

The new year is a great time to start fresh on your company’s social media plan. By keeping these three tips in mind, you are far more likely to achieve your social media resolutions. If you have any questions or need further assistance creating and maintaining a new year’s resolution for your company’s social media, SocialAscend is happy to help. Visit our website at or email us at Happy New Year!


Facebook Isn’t Dead: Why Your Company Page Still Needs Love